Eva Béve (1871- 1922)
Tivoli, Villa d’Este
June 2023 an oil painting by her hand showing Villa d’Este surfaced in a Swedish auction.
Like many of her German and Scandinavian artist sisters she travelled to Italy but also to the Netherlands visiting Volendam and Marken and probably staying at Artist Hotel Spaander in Volendam (1911). Recently (2022) two of her Italian woodblock prints surfaced in an auction. Dated 1909 they show the influence of her woodblock teacher Carl Thiemann. His iconic Venice prints are dated from 1909 which may be suggestive for a combined trip? Of her Italian adventure and visit to Venice several oil paintings are known. The blue parrot print is also known as an unsigned supplement edition.
Venice oil paintings
Amberg, Hugo (Hamburg 11-10-1872 – 1943 Osnabrück)
Landscape painter, etcher and printmaker, mainly self-taught. Since 1919 teacher at the “Kunstgewerbeschule” in Hamburg. Married to painter and printmaker Ilse Koch (02-07-1869 - 1934), daughter of painter and graphic artist in Hamburg Rudolf Koch (1835-1885) and sister of Walter Koch (1875-1915), Hamburg painter and later poster designer in Switzerland. Amberg exhibited with the “Kunstverein in Hamburg” in 1910-1911.
Represented in the 1924 “Wohlgemuth & LissnerGrafikkatalog” with 4 woodblocks (two shown): “Heidehof”, “Este bei Cranz”, “Hühner” and “Gänse”. Priced 15, 20 and 25 Reichsmark.
Quote : “Da mir für farbige Holzschnitte beim Druck die Anwendung von Ölfarbem nicht gefiel, Aquarellfarben aber nicht genügende Kraft entwickelten, bildete ich mir nach langen Versuchen ein eigenes Druckverfahren mit tempera-artigen Farben heraus, das es möglisch macht, jedes Blatt in allen Farben gleich hintereinander fertig zu drucken, so liegt der Erfolg fest in meiner Hand”.
Hugo Amberg: Dresslers KHB. 1921 & 1930: Hamburg, Sechslingsporte 11. Ilse is not mentioned.
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