
Although not an expert on art authentication I think this watercolour could very well be by the hand of  Simon Bussy himself. It was found in a huge graphics collection being dissolved “in tranches” and was annotated in pencil as by Simon Bussy and titled “Hangnest”. Besides a Brazilian endangered species of (yellow-greenish) jungle bird it is also the name of the (red and black) Baltimore Oriole who builds a “hanging nest”.  

Although not an expert on art authentication I think this watercolour may very well be by the hand of Simon Bussy himself. 

Anyway, I’ld like to think it is until arguments will unmask it as being by “someone else”.  

It was found in a huge graphics collection being dissolved “in tranches” with a lot of French authentic graphic works. Written in pencil on the paper matt was the name: “Simon Bussy ….. Hangnest”. Besides a Brazilian endangered species of (yellow-greenish) jungle bird it is also the name of the (red and black) Baltimore Oriole who builds a “hanging nest”: Icterus galbula and state bird of Maryland USA.

The yellow bird, also titled “Hangnest”, (middle), was auctioned in 2021. Estimated at 2500-3500 BPS it fetched a staggering £16.500 (€19.000) + costs.

Bussy, close and life long friend of Henri Matisse since studying together and of humble descent was married to British aristocrat Dorothy Strachey. They lived alternatively in France and in London. In the 1920-30s he was very successful with his (tropical) bird paintings after the specimens he saw in London Zoo. His work is collected in  London Tate and Paris Musée de l’Art Moderne and Centre Pompidou.