Although she is known to have been active as a woodblock printmaker and painter she mostly was involved in etching and is represented in this collection by two of her chicken etching. I hope to find more one day or, if possible, a complete set.  

Below the album of which 8 from 12 pictures were found. 

A (1932) chicken sketch by Else Hertzer and two woodblocks (courtesy collection Mathias Tietke). The second is showing Ribnitz not far from Ahrenshoop (artist colony) on the Ostsee. 

Irmgard Hoffmann is a (so far) obscured painter and sculptrice who created “Künstlerkollege”, a water colour showing Else sketching. She was no doubt a good friend. Irmgard also created the clay portrait with a striking resemblance, it could be made from a mask. Else created two portraits of Irmgard. Irmengard Hoffmann is mentioned as a painter living in Kiel in 1921 and in Munich in 1930 (Dresslers KHB). The last picture is her self portrait.