Paris: Bateaux lavoir - Pont Marie
Wonderful “gravure bois” ed. nr. 2/50 by a completely obscured Paris printmaker. Some years ago a 1909 colour woodblock was acquired by visiting German painter & printmaker Marie Wippermann created from the exact same location. These iconic Paris laundry facilities have been the subject of many visiting or studying in Paris artists.
Kappstein, Carl Friedrich (Berlin 06-03-1869 - 1933 Berlin)
Painter, lithographer, author and teacher. Probably son of Jewish Th. (Theodor) Kappstein.
In 1868 the Berlin address book does not hold any Kappstein family members. The 1869 volume is not available and in 1870 Th. Kappstein “Stubenmaler” is mentioned living at Philipp-strasse 21 IVn.
A “Stubenmaler" is an artist (artisan) who decorates-paints walls, ceilings and crypts in the gothic style and tradition (fresco painter)
His probably brother Theodor Kappstein (Berlin 28-11-1870 - 17-05-1960 Rudolstadt) was a theologist, publicists and critic and is known as author of 9 theological and literary books and articles (1898-1913). He was married to author and story teller (“Erzählerin”) Anna Benisch (Potsdam 1870 -1950 Rudolstadt).
Studied 1886 at Berlin Academy under Woldemar Friedrich (1846-1910) and (best known as an important animal painter) Paul Friedrich Meyerheim (1842-1915)
Visited Italy and Sicily in 1893-94 and was appointed 1905 as teacher in Charlottenburg “Akademische Hochschule”. He is the author of a handbook on lithography in 1910: “Der Künstlerische Steindruck” published by Bruno Cassierer.
Although mentioned a teacher in Dresslers KHB, only one student mentioned his name as being his art teacher.
Mainly painted animals, but also landscapes and still lifes. In 1904 he was awarded a small gold medal at the Great Berlin Art Exhibition.
Took part in all important “Exhibition of contemporary German Graphic Art” held in the Art Institute of Chicago in 1913 with all known German graphic artist of the time: Max Liebermann, MaxKlinger, Walter Klemm (incl. the famous Pelican print), Kathe Kollwitz, Erna Frank etc….
Represented in the catalog:
Kappstein, Carl
122. The Toy Dogs
123. Winter
124. The Swan-pool
Dresslers KHB 1930: Berlin Grunewald, Hubertusbadertstrasse 23. Member VBK.
Dear print lover, passing-by visitor and reader:
While this new gallery-museum site is under construction (being build-up, stocked and arranged) priority must be given to first add all the represented artists in the index with works from the collection and if possible with the examples from the archives.
During construction the site is open to visitors, questions, feedback and suggestions.
Julius Edmund Robert Nitsche
(Breslau 16-02-1882 - 1965 Munich)
Painter, illustrator, arts & crafts artist, interior- book cover and typographic designer, architect (interior design), graphic artist and printmaker. Worked for the illustrious “Jugend” Magazine. Married to Eva N.N.
Known to have worked in Breslau, Munich and Leipzig. Created several type-face (“Zierbuchstaben“) like “Unger Fraktur Initalen” for J. Klinkhardt 1910. Created a colour woodblock book plate (ex libris) for painter and paint manufacturer Fritz Behrendt* (1863-1946).
Known from a poster (“Plakat” 68 x 85 cm) for a 1911 Munich “Grosse Algemeine Hundeausstellung” with a barsoi (Russian greyhound). Also known from a bookplate for “Eva und Julius Nitsche”, also with a barsoi.
Works represented in Offenbach Klingspor Museum (spec. in book design and typography).
Dresslers KHB 1930: Munich, Türkenstrasse 97. Member BDG. (board member), RvbK.,DWB., DGfchrK.,KB., “die Unabhängigen”.
Possibly related to: Nitsche, Hinrich (Breslau 14-02-1845 - 08-11-1902 Tharandt), zoologist in Breslau and son-in-law to geographer Oscar Ferdinand Peschel (Dresden 1826 - 1875 Leipzig).
* Behrendt, Friedrich (Fritz) (Memel 31-10-1863 - 13-02-1946 Fuerstenfeldbruck)
Painter and paint manufacturer. (Also Behrendt). Studied in Königsberg academy and in Karlsruhe academy under landscape painter and illustrator Hermann Baisch (1846-1894). Member of the Munich Secession 1903.
Friend of fauvist painter Oskar Moll* and said to have together developed “lichtbeständige” Behrendt-Farbe: a brand of light stable colour pigments (artist oil/based paint) known as “Berendt’schen Farben”. For the manufacturing of their products he owned a “Bitumen-Fabrik” in Grafrath near Fuertstenfeldbruck referring to the oil based paints he created.
Married to textile artist Olga Schierlitz (Hamburg 1867-1958) the daughter of a Hamburg merchant.They had two daughters Hedda and Irmgard Mastaglio-Behrendt (Munich 23-01-1905 - 1990) studied in Munich under Angelo Jank (1868-1940), Karl Caspar (Friedrichshafen 1879 - 1956) and in the Munich painting school of Moritz Heymann (1870-1937). Fleeing from Silesia to Schleswig-Holstein at the ending of WW-II she lost all her work.
* Moll, Oskar (Brzeg/Brieg, Prussia, now Poland 21-07-1875 - 19-08-1947 Berlin)
Fauvist painter who studied under Corinth, Leistikow. In Paris became acquainted in the Café de Dome circles meeting Matisse and Picasso. He started, with his wife Margarethe and their friend painter Hans Purrmann (1880-1966) the short lived “Académie Matisse”. Purrmann travelled to Paris in 1906 becoming a student and personal friend of Henri Matisse ((1869-1954). Appointed as professor in Breslau Academy succeeding August Endell (1871-1925). His work was declared “entarted”, displayed and confiscated by the Nazis after which they led a secluded life in Berlin. Their art collection consisting of numerous paintings, also by Matisse, Léger, Bracque and Picasso was destroyed in a 1943 allied bombing raid on Berlin. Their home destroyed they tried to find refuge in his home town but were forced to return to Berlin by the advancing Red-Army.
He was married to painter author and sculptor Marg Moll, born as Margarethe Haeffner (Mühlhausen 1884 - 1979 Munich).