Woodblock printed from 6 blocks for Pan editions 1898

Incredible but true: you are looking at one and the same print (.. x .. cm) but with different lighting. Using gold paint for her hair the artist was able to achieve this extraordinary effect. Although it is not rare (probably 600-1200 must have been printed) it is not often seen offered. This special feature and effect I have not found described anywhere. And believe me: it is stunning. 

Not much is known about the life of Albert Krüger. Although his biography was neglected to this day I am convinced his craftsmanship and influence on the development of German woodblock printmaking must be compared and has been of the same magnitude as French artist August Lepère to French graphic art.  

Read more about Albert Krüger and details concerning his artistic legacy in his short biography in Volume II of Das Haus der Frau. 

The most beautiful woman in Florence, Simonetta Vespucci-Cattaneo (1453-1476) modelled for Sandro Botticelli (1455-1510). She was the wife of Marco Vespucci who was nephew to discoverer Amerigo Vespucci who gave his name to a continent: AMERICA. She was also the muse of Guiliano di Piero de’ Medici (1453-1478) and died tragically young,  just 22, of tuberculosis. Guiliano died by the hand of a murderer two years later. 

Krüger’s print is reminding of the use of gold in paintings like “Der Kuss” (1907-08) and “Danae” by Gustav Klimt.  

Who can tell he wasn’t influenced by Krüger’s Pan print published only a few years before ?