Two of the three known landscape prints by Marlies Meinshausen are represented in this collection. The third showed up recently November 2024 in America. In all the years of collecting and research other copies of these prints were never seen. In all 3 auctions these prints were described by the auctioneer as “Monotypie” (Monotype), one-off prints pulled from a painting (usually on glass, but wood or even card-board is also possible ). 

The mistake (is it?) is however understandable, they both have a strong appearance being monotype prints as do many of her flower prints (of which multiple edition copies are known). The larger colour fields could have been created by using templates. What ever they are: I’ve always loved her work. All of it. 

Once her prints were abundantly available, the stream of prints created by Frau Meinshausen offered regularly in German eBay, since 2020 slowly turned into a trickle, suggesting the limited editions of her work.  

As a printmaker she never was appreciated much by the collectors, but probaly sold her prints as “just wall decoration” also maybe because of the many flower prints she created.  These landscapes show she mastered printmaking, with a  free, artistic and creative hand. IMHO these prints she  could match her more famous and more appreciated colleague printmakers.