De Zandbrug (Utrecht)
Only known example of a woodblock print by this obscured artist who, before finding this print, was only known by his (comic book sized) illustrations for adventurous children. He was closely related to the 1973-77 Dutch socialist prime-minister Joop den Uyl (1919-1987).
The Zandbrug is an iconic canal bridge in the hart of medieval city centre of Utrecht in the Nethertlands.
It is fun to compare den Uyl’s print with Else Zinkeisen’s print of the Fernsicht-brücke in Hamburg
Dear print lover, passing-by visitor and reader:
While this new gallery-museum site is under construction (being build-up, stocked and arranged) priority must be given to first add all the represented artists in the index with works from the collection and if possible with the examples from the archives.
During construction the site is open to visitors, questions, feedback and suggestions.