The same week the aquatint  etching by Käthe Wagner was acquired another apple tree (litho) found its way to this collection: by Dutch artist Mien Cambier-van Nooten (1881-1972).



Käthe exhibited as early as 1906 in Munich, and was represented in the 1934 Wohlgemut & Lissner pictures catalogue with 14 prints (probably all etchings, “Radierungen”) of which 4 are actually shown. 

Brave Jewish Käthe choose the certainty of death over deportation by the Nazis. This was phrased by the Nazis euphemistically as “Freitod”: voluntarily death. There was however nothing voluntarily about her choice of life and death. 

This print, not a woodblock but an aquatint etching, was acquired with the friendly help of Volker in Berlin who earlier showed his sympathy towards my collecting goals by allowing me to acquire a lovely print by also Jewish artist Wally Peretz-Brutzkus. Finally this artist is represented in this collection (July 2022)  

Although I tried hard, very little about her personal life came to my knowledge. She is one of the artist I would love to know more of.