Very little known and obscured Dutch painter and etcher. Financially independent, he was reluctant to sell his art during his life. A 1928 painting of the iconic Katwijk church once belonged to the collections of Queen Juliana but was sold after her death (2004). In 1922 he settled in Katwijk where he studied the art of etching under Frederike Broeksmit.
There are two ways to meet this artist: stumbling over an etching (or painting) in an auction or read and learn about him in Frederike Broeksmit’s biography. He travelled extensively and developed a very personal style also based on studying Chinese and Japanese painting techniques and styles.
Dear print lover, passing-by visitor and reader:
While this new gallery-museum site is under construction (being build-up, stocked and arranged) priority must be given to first add all the represented artists in the index with works from the collection and if possible with the examples from the archives.
During construction the site is open to visitors, questions, feedback and suggestions.